The 2014/15 State 4-H Teen Council joins the group for pledges and the opening program

The 2014/15 State 4-H Teen Council joins the group for pledges and the opening program

The fifth annual Kentucky 4-H Homecoming was held on Saturday, June 6th at the Campbell House, Lexington.  Kentucky 4-H alumni, family and friends traveled from six states, including Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and throughout Kentucky, to reconnect with their 4-H roots.  Every decade from the 1950’s through today’s State 4-H Teen Council was in attendance.

“Homecoming is an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new friends,” said Ruth Ann Hendrick, Co-Chair 4-H Homecoming.  “I talked with more people this year that I had never met and heard their 4-H story.”

Some of the 4-H memorabilia on display

Some of the 4-H memorabilia on display

Memorabilia from as far back as the 1950’s decorated the room while old pictures flashed across several TV monitors flooding alumni with memories.  Looking at the memorabilia allows for the different generations of 4-H’ers to see the diverse group of individuals they represented. “The memorabilia allows you to see the traditions that have changed over the years,” said Lois Manley, Co-Chair 4-H Homecoming.  “The younger alumni in attendance saw the campaign cards and slogans that were used to run for state office; items that are not used today.”

One of the highlights of every Homecoming is “Who’s in the Crowd,” hosted this year by Michael Odell Walker, State 4-H President 1996-97.  This segment of Homecoming allows for memories and adventures to be shared during this special time of reminiscing with friends and fellow colleagues.  In attendance this year was State Senator Ernie Harris, State 4-H President 1966, and former State Senator Joey Pendleton, past board member of Friends of KY 4-H.  During “Who’s in the Crowd” these past 4-H’ers realized for the first time they attended the same National 4-H Congress together.  For these two gentlemen 4-H is a common ground and brought 4-H back to the foreground.

Joey Pendleton and State Senator Ernie Harris enjoy a good laugh after realizing they attended the same National 4-H Congress nearly 50 years ago

Joey Pendleton and State Senator Ernie Harris enjoy a good laugh after realizing they attended the same National 4-H Congress nearly 50 years ago

Homecoming is a time to reconnect with alumni that you have not seen in decades.  For the Homecoming Co-Chairs they each got to see fellow 4-H’ers they had not seen in nearly 30 years.  “You might talk with alumni on Facebook but Homecoming allows you to actually get to talk to people in person and reconnect,” said Lois Manley.  “Homecoming is a time of reconnection and making new friends with people in other walks of life, but you have a connection through the 4-H experiences you share,” said Ruth Ann Hendrick.

Beginning a soon to be annual tradition, the Foundation recognized past state 4-H officers from 25 years ago, 1990 and 50 years ago, 1965.  Those recognized from the 1989/90 Officer Team were President, Dennis Cannon; Vice President, Crystal Phillips; Secretary, Joe Bedford; and Treasurer, Jason Heath.  From the 1964/65 Officer Team two were in attendance including President, Jim Turner, and Vice President, Jim Gambill; Secretary, Margaret Gentry was unable to attend.  “It was thrilling listening to the 50 year officer team,” said Ruth Ann Hendrick.  “It had been nearly 50 years since Jim Turner and Jim Gambill had seen each other.”

The Foundation also recognized the Leadership Circle Investors during this year’s Homecoming celebration.  Those in attendance were given a Leadership Circle lapel pin for their contributions to the 4-H Foundation.  Those recognized were investors for one, three, and five years, along with lifetime investors.  The Leadership Circle Investors help provide the crucial unrestricted resources needed to grow overall support for Kentucky 4-H, expand opportunities for 4-H members, and ensure 4-H remains a vital center of excellence in the Commonwealth.

A good time was had by all at the 2015 4-H Homecoming

A good time was had by all at the 2015 4-H Homecoming

“I want more people to give Homecoming a shot, some individuals do not attend because they don’t know anyone, but I think they would be surprised at their connection with people if they came just one time,” said Lois Manley.

Watch for the announcement for the 2016 4-H Homecoming and make plans to attend!

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