| The Green Room

2013 Paige Hart at Sale of ChampionsHello Kentucky 4-H!  My name is Paige Hart and I am excited to be serving as the 2013-2014 State 4-H President.  I would like to introduce my officer team and myself, along with a few goals we have for the upcoming year in 4-H.

Our officer team reaches from the most western district to the most eastern district.  We are all entering college as freshman this year this but will be attending different universities.  We are all very excited about the great year ahead of us!

I, Paige Hart, am from Caldwell County in District 7. I will be attending the University of Louisville where I will major in Biology.  I have loved participating in communication, leadership and any project related to 4-H.  I am excited to share my passion for 4-H with youth across the commonwealth this year.

Our Vice President is Allie Click from Jessamine County located in District 4.  Allie will be attending the University of Kentucky this fall and majoring in Community and Leadership Development.  Allie first got involved in 4-H by attending 4-H Camp. 4-H Camp is her favorite part of summer and she looks forward to promoting camp this year.

Our Secretary is Rachel Droege from Madison County which is also located in District 4.  Rachel will be attending Eastern Kentucky University to major in Marketing.  Rachel has loved serving as a State Teen Council member and is excited to be working closely with the council this year.

Lastly, our Treasure is Cody Phillips from Pike County in District 1.  Cody will be attending Transylvania University majoring in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics.  Cody loves being involved with poultry projects and cannot wait to share his passion with other 4-H members this year.

Our officer team’s main goal for this year is to strengthen communications between State Teen Council members and the districts they represent.  We want State Teen Council members to relay each meeting’s information back to all agents in their districts.  We also want to be more involved by visiting as many counties as possible and attending district retreats all across the state.  We look forward to seeing the specialized programs in different counties.  Lastly, we want to learn about other states’ 4-H programs.  We believe that if we learn about their programs, we can strengthen our program even more.

We are so grateful for this opportunity to serve as 2013-2014 Kentucky 4-H Officer Team and are excited to meet all of Kentucky’s 4-H members this year!  We look forward to making this year great for Kentucky 4-H!

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