By:  Paige Hart

Courtney third form the left with other former state officers.

This August we are proud to highlight Courtney Crume Turley with our Alumni Spotlight. She is celebrating her 16th year with 4-H; starting out in the fourth grade, she still finds way to give back to 4-H today. When Courtney looks back, she remembers 4-H was a family affair in Nelson County and some of her fondest childhood memories occurred with 4-H, from Ham Club to her favorite youth program, Fashion Review. It was through this program that she learned to sew and remembers making one jacket so well the judges couldn’t find the buttonholes!

As she grew older, she sought out leadership where she could hold more responsibility and “make her own impact in her own community.” From serving on State Teen Council, then State 2009 – 2010 Secretary, attending multiple national conferences – National Congress, National Conference, Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference- to serving as a 4-H Camp Staff Member, she truly seized every opportunity. She was able to become a role model to impact and inspire youth from across the state to venture out of their comfort zone and get involved. One of her most memorable moments was when she worked as a Camp Staff Member to teach one camper how to swim for the first time. “She wouldn’t get in the water on the first day and by the last day she was swimming in the deep end.” It was this impact that makes 4-H so special for Courtney.

Courtney, 2010 State Fashion Review Champion congratulates the 2011 State Fashion Review Champion, Whitney Crume, her sister.

Now as an adult, 4-H still has an influence in her life. She attributes 4-H to having an impact on her career choice as the new agriculture teacher at Madison Central High School; as well giving her skills she employs everyday. “I don’t just teach about plants and animals, but I also focus on youth development and leadership, which are skills I gained through 4-H.” As a teacher, she utilizes the leadership, public speaking, teaching, and listening skills that 4-H gave her. She is still involved with 4-H through, volunteering for different things when she can and donating more money in the future to different funds, especially the scholarship funds.

Courtney summed up 4-H best, “It is a life-changing youth development organization that allows children, teens, and adults to learn new things and give back to their communities. It helped to shape me into the person that I am today.” Therefore, when asked what she advice she would give to a parent considering signing up his or her child for 4-H, she exclaims, “What are you waiting for?! There are so many opportunities for 4-H youth. It is the one organization that can follow your child for life, not just for a few years.” Many of the reasons for this impact can be attributed to the outstanding 4-H agents across this state, Courtney says. “I think that our 4-H agents are truly superheroes who change lives every day and we certainly don’t thank them enough for what they do!” Courtney truly influenced and continues to impact both 4-H and youth across the commonwealth.

If you know any outstanding 4-H alumni members and want to have his or her story shared, be sure to nominate them for our Alumni Spotlight. You can nominate them by sending a brief email highlighting his or her involvement and contributions to Kentucky 4-H, as well as his or her contact information to our Social Media Director, Paige Hart, at Kentucky 4-H has long had a significant impact not only on the development of our youth, but also on the Commonwealth at large. This is our opportunity to highlight those who have helped make this impact possible. We look forward to another great year of showcasing so many of our fantastic members who have embodied our pledge and motto. As we make the best better, we say, “I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my Club, my Community, my Country, and my World.”

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