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Fran McCall joined the Kentucky 4-H Foundation Board of Directors in the Spring of 2017.  As a board member, Fran represents Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, but feels like she really represents all the 4-H alumni that gain so much over the years through this youth development organization.  “4-H did so much for me a kid and as an adult volunteer, that I feel like it is my honor to give back and serve on the foundation board of directors,” says Fran.

Continuing reading to learn more about Fran and lifetime involvement with 4-H . . .  

How did you get your start in 4-H? 

I was a 10-year 4-H member in Oldham County and Shelby County. I grew up in Oldham County competing in speech and demonstration contests, sewing, cooking, gardening, woodworking, rabbits, and arts and crafts. My real passion was showing cattle and livestock judging. My brother and I participated in Shelby County 4-H to have enough kids to have a livestock club.

What is/was your favorite 4-H program?

Livestock Judging was my favorite 4-H program. I was fortunate enough to be the high individual at the state contest in 2001 and competed on the Kentucky Gold team that competed around the county that fall. My passion for Livestock Judging lead me to judge in college and compete on the Livestock Judging team at Western Kentucky University.  Then, I was recruited to coach the University of Kentucky Livestock Judging team, serve as its first-ever female coach, while completing my master’s degree.

How did 4-H help you become the individual you are today?

4-H helped me develop strong public speaking skills along with making decisions and explaining why. I learn my sense of passion and love of competition. I also learned that I loved to help younger 4-H members and serving as a role model to them. I felt my experiences in 4-H lead me to my first job as a 4-H agent and then my current position at Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation.  My love of agriculture came from my family but my passion to serve others came from my experiences with 4-H.

What mentor impacted your life the most?  Why?

My 10-year 4-H club leader aka my mom! She is a rock star volunteer.  I learned from her that volunteers are the king and nothing gets done without a strong set of volunteer leaders.  I get my sense of commitment from my mom for everything I do, whether it’s volunteering for 4-H, church, whatever.

Tell us about your family?  Career path?

I currently work for Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation as the Commodity Specialist and Certified Farm Market Program Coordinator for the past nine years.  I graduated from Western Kentucky University with my Bachelor degree in agriculture with an emphasis in Animal Science.  I have a master’s degree in Ruminate Nutrition and Meat Science. 

My first job out of college I was the 4-H agent in McLean County for almost 3 years.  My husband, David, and I call Shelby County home and we have two sons, Lane (7) and Cooper (8 months). David farms full time with his father in Oldham County.  We raise row crops, beef cattle, hay, and Mini Rex Rabbits. David and I actual met in 4-H, when he and his sister joined the Shelby County 4-H Beef Club, my brother and I were members.  We were friends along time and started dating towards the end of our college years.  We will celebrate our 10-year anniversary this year.

How would you explain the role of the Foundation to others? 

The foundation is the principle fundraising organization for Kentucky 4-H.  The board also serve as ambassadors and volunteers in my capacities for the organization.   

What are your hobbies?  

I love to show cattle and rabbits.  We show all over the county with our Shorthorn and Red Poll cattle and our Mini Rex rabbits. Our oldest son Lane also likes to show cattle and rabbits.  As a family, we love to travel and explore new places.  I also enjoy taking photos, scrapbooking, sewing and cooking when I have spare time.  We also like to watch movies together as a family.

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