Kentucky 4-H Officers Luke Jacobs, Reba Prather, Hannah Simpson and Gloria Bolin accepted a check from Agriculture Commissioner of Kentucky Ryan Quarles from the sales of the Ag Tag license plate program at the Annual Appreciation Breakfast in Cloverville at the 2019 Kentucky State Fair in Louisville.

The Kentucky 4-H Foundation is excited to announce the results from the 2019 Ag Tag Campaign. Ag Tag donations go directly towards assisting Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Programs in counties across the Commonwealth. Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture, Ryan Quarles, presented the Kentucky 4-H Foundation with a check for $204,415.46 during our Annual Appreciation Breakfast at the Kentucky State Fair. Total Donations to the Ag Tag program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, amounted to $610,860.00.

“We’re grateful to everyone who gave to the ‘ag tag’ program,” said Commissioner Quarles.  “This number is a testament to the giving spirit of farmers all over the state and demonstrates the support Kentuckians have for Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA, and Kentucky’s agriculture community.”

The 4-H portion of the donation is split between the counties where the funds originated and the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, meaning 50% of all donations stay in the county to fund local 4-H programs and activities for the youth in the community. The Foundation’s share is used to support state-level programs that many 4-H members participate in. 

All 120 counties in Kentucky have 4-H programs, and all counties receive a portion of the support from the Ag Tag program. Through the support of our agriculture community, fourteen counties raised over $10,000.  Here are the top 10 counties in total donations for 2019:

  1. Warren $30,090.00
  2. Logan $23,230.00
  3. Hardin $22,160.00
  4. Daviess $20,840.00
  5. Fayette $15,260.00
  6. Nelson $15,170.00
  7. Bullitt $14,870.00
  8. Muhlenberg $14,640.00
  9. Jessamine $12,990.00
  10. Shelby $11,340.00

Since 2012, Kentucky farmers have the option to make a $10 voluntary donation when they purchase or renew their farm license plate. The voluntary donations are divided equally among Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. As an individual that makes the voluntary donation for your farm vehicle, you help 4-H inspire youth, advance agricultural education and promote Kentucky farm products.  

On behalf of over 235,000 Kentucky 4-Hers we say THANK YOU to Commissioner Ryan Quarles for his support of the Ag Tag program, and to all those who made the $10 donation. By participating in the Ag Tag program you are INSPIRING a youth through 4-H clubs across the Commonwealth.

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