| The Green Room

As we come to the end of the fiscal year and reflect on this past year, we can’t help but smile. It has been quite the year for the Kentucky 4-H Foundation.  2012-2013 was filled with fun events, successful campaigns, and many milestones.

On June 30th, the end of the fiscal year, the Foundation ended with donations totaling $732,880.44. Additionally the Foundation, through endowments, provided another $94,659.01 in support of Kentucky’s 4-H program.

Our first major success was the Ag Tag voluntary donation with Commissioner of Agriculture, James Comer and the FFA Foundation. The results were tremendous thanks to the thousands who made the donation when they renewed their Kentucky farm license plate. Kentucky 4-H received $121,708.64. Commissioner Comer and the Foundation are both very proud to help provide the County 4-H Councils with a new source of funds to help them continue with their programming.


Another major highlight was surpassing the Camp Improvement Campaign goal of $280,000 in just over two months! This was the first part of our four year effort to raise funds for a cabin and storm shelter at the J.M. Feltner 4-H Camp, where thousands of Kentucky’s youth travel to in the summer to have the time of their lives. We want to thank all that donated, with a special thank you to Farm Credit Mid-America and Knox County District Extension Board for all of their help with this campaign.


This year we also launched our marketing and public relations initiative. We hope you have enjoyed our new website, 4-H Fridays, weekly blog, and increased social media presence. We love staying connected with you through Facebook, Twitter and our blog. Our 4-H Friday video testimonials have quickly become the favorite. These weekly videos help raise awareness of the Foundation while bringing back many great 4-H memories.


More Highlights of 2012-2013:

–       The Tractor Supply Company Paper Clover promotion reached a new highpoint with a total of $46,316 raised during the two campaigns this year. We thank TSC for their continued and outstanding support of 4-H!

–       We hosted two successful events; The Sporting Clay Tournament and The Annual Kentucky 4-H Homecoming. Both had an impressive turnout and were a great time for all attendees. These two events had a net return to 4-H of $14,110.42.

–       The Kentucky 4-H Foundation was honored to be selected as one of ten states to participate in the National 4-H Alumni Pilot, a two year project to reconnect with 4-H alumni.


The success of the past year makes the Foundation all the more excited to begin a new year. As you will see in this newsletter, we are taking on the challenge of replacing the famous 4-H Cloverville.  We will also be focusing on the Western Kentucky 4-H Camp for this year’s camp campaign. Without all of the 4-H donors, supporters and volunteers none of this would have been possible; so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are the reason for our success and we look forward to working with you in the upcoming year.


Click here to view our fresh newly-designed newsletter –  3rd quarter newsletter


Click here to see the 2013 Audit Report

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