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By:  Keith Rogers

national science day 4 Christian Co girlsRaise your hand Kentucky and show the National 4-H Council and HughesNet that we mean business!

National 4-H Council and HughesNet, the leading provider of broadband satellite equipment and internet, have teamed up to inspire the next generation of leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

STEM is a hands-on program to provide youth with opportunities to grow, learn and become confident kids.  The skills they learn enable them to make a difference in our communities and the global economy and inspire them to pursue careers in Engineering, Aerospace, Robotics, Agri-science, and Veterinary sciences.  We are building future leaders.

4Hboys-cap-robotThe state that shows the highest participation will win a $10,000 HughesNet Tech Takeover Day at their local 4-H camp and here is how you can help.  It’s simple!  Visit the HughesNet partner page to show your support.  We are counting on our Alumni to spread the word and show they care about today’s youth and the STEM program.

We can do this!  Get out there and tell National 4-H Council who you are and how proud you are of Kentucky 4-H!  All you need to do is provide you name, email address, state, and affiliation to 4-H.

Raise your hand and be counted!

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